Husker Trade Talk
How trade policy is made: working on Capitol Hill
8:00 am –
9:00 am
College of Business - Howard L. Hawks Hall
Room: HLH 111
730 N. 14th St.
Lincoln NE 68588
Lincoln NE 68588
Ever wonder who is driving policy decisions? You may be surprised to learn just how many 20-somethings are helping shape policy development, researching issues and relaying constituent concerns and perspectives to their bosses, members of Congress. Learn about what kinds of jobs exist on Capitol Hill and get tips on how to get your foot in the door. Featuring guest Ken Levinson (joining virtually from DC). Levinson is executive director of the Washington International Trade Association, and former government affairs director and U.S. Senate staffer, working with international trade, foreign policy, national security, and tax policy. Learn more and register at
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This event originated in CAS Career Development.