End of the Year Tea and Coffee Time Finale!
Kawasaki Reading Room
11:00 am –
2:00 pm
Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center
Room: JGMC 302
We are ending the year with a finale! Our final Tea/Coffee Time Friday of the semester will allow you to make your own special drink!
This event originated in Kawasaki Reading Room .
Alicia Prieto Langarica, Youngstown State University
Making undergraduate research work for faculty and students: an examples driven talk
4:00 pm –
4:50 pm
Via Zoom
Getting involved in research has become a most for all undergraduate students. In this talk we will address questions such as: Why is this so important to do research? What exactly counts as research in mathematics? How do we make it work best for …
This event originated in Math Colloquia.
First Friday at the Great Plains Art Museum
New T-shirt Launch
5:00 pm –
7:00 pm
Great Plains Art Museum
The Great Plains Art Museum is open late for Lincoln’s First Friday Art Walk on May 6, 5-7 p.m. and we’re launching a brand new T-shirt design featuring endangered animals of the Great Plains!
This event originated in Center for Great Plains Studies.
Ongoing Events
Real People, Real Climate, Real Changes: A Traveling Climate Exhibit
All Day
Love Library North & Link
Room: second floor
Take a journey through climate change with a visit to the traveling exhibit, “Real People, Real Climate, Real Changes,” from March 14 – May 13, 2022, located on the second floor of Love Library North. The family friendly and interactive exhibit …
This event originated in Libraries.