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Dinsdale Learning Commons at East Campus Discovery Days & Farmer’s Market

10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Nebraska East Campus Mall
Regina Flowers, (402) 472-3945,
The Dinsdale Family Learning Commons and the UNL Libraries invite you to visit their booth at the East Campus Discovery Days & Farmer’s Market this summer. We will be offering fun activities and sharing information around several themes including, cooking, cattle, and more.

Our theme for the first Discovery Day on June 11 is cooking! The Libraries has a variety of cookbooks in its collection and you might be in the mood to try a new dish! If you find something you would like to borrow, we can help you get a community borrower’s card.

We also invite community members to share their family recipes and the memories around the special dish. The Libraries will also share resources of historic and older recipes found in Nebraska newspapers and canning materials from Nebraska Extension.

Join us for food, fun, and cooking resources, between 10 am – 2 pm at the Dinsdale Family Learning Commons booth on the East Campus Mall.

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This event originated in Libraries.