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WGS Annual Lecture

Healing from Sexual Trauma: A Dialogue with Kamilah Willingham

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Nebraska Union Room: Swanson Auditorium
1400 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: NU
Rose Holz, (402) 472-2425,
Kamilah Willingham is a writer, national activist, and civil rights advocate. Kamilah’s work is grounded in advancing the rights of survivors of sexual violence in prisons, schools, and beyond, highlighting the culture of silence and inequity that dominates social and systemic responses to gender-based violence.

In 2016 Kamilah spearheaded the viral social media campaign, #JustSaySorry. This campaign encouraged survivors of campus sexual assaults and gender-based violence to petition for an apology from their institutions, calling attention to the resilience of survivors and the failures of schools to submit to basic measures of accountability.

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This event originated in Women’s and Gender Studies.