All events are in Central time unless specified.

Thursday, February 6


CAS Career Drop-in

Recurring Date Info:
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Virtual Location: Zoom
Target Audiences:
Jump on Zoom to ask any of your career-related questions and receive resume support by a College of Arts & Sciences (CAS) Career Coach. Drop-ins are great for completing a career coach meeting assignment, too. Sessions last 15-20 minutes. Drop-ins …
This event originated in CAS Career Development.

Math Club Talk: Coloring Surfaces in 4-space

Speakers: Noah Crawford, Andrew Maas, Renzo Sarreal, and Eric Woods

Starts at 5:00 pm
Location: Avery Hall Room: 351 Target Audiences:
There are many ways to draw spheres and tori into four dimensions in a way that they are “knotted.” It is not easy to imagine (or even draw) a knotted sphere in dimension four. In this talk, we will discuss two ways to represent such surfaces using …
This event originated in Math.