Livestock Risk Management and LRP Updates
Farm and Ranch Management Webinar
1:00 pm –
2:00 pm
Online (via Zoom)
The national Extension Risk Management Education Program and the United States Department of Agriculture are collaborating to deliver a webinar for agricultural producers and professionals focused on livestock risk management. Recent developments and …
This event originated in Center for Agricultural Profitability.
Master Gardener Information Meeting
1:00 pm –
2:30 pm
***This meeting has been moved on line***
This event originated in Nebraska Extension - Douglas-Sarpy Counties.
MS Thesis Defense - Jake Werner
Population Demographics, Distribution, and Environmental History of Asian Carp in a Great Plains Riv
2:00 pm
Zoom Webinar
<p>Silver Carp <em>Hypophthalmichthys molitrix</em>, Bighead Carp <em>H. nobilis</em>, and Black Carp <em>Mylopharyngodon piceus</em>, collectively known as Asian carp, are a group of invasive fishes in the U.S. that have garnered much attention over …
This event originated in School of Natural Resources.
School of Natural Resources – Coffee and Conversation
How did a small UK NGO help shape European Union Agriculture Policy?
2:00 pm –
3:00 pm
Zoom Webinar
Presented by John Carroll, SNR Director, this webinar is designed to help the University faculty/staff and state/federal/NGOs expand their knowledge and awareness of natural resource conservation efforts across the state and beyond. This will include …
This event originated in School of Natural Resources.