Spring 4-H Beginner Golf Lessons
Lincoln, NE
4:00 pm –
5:30 pm
Pine Lake Golf Club
6601 S. 84 St
Lincoln NE 68516
Lincoln NE 68516
Lancaster 4?H is once again partnering with the Jr. PGA and Pine Lake Golf Club to provide a series of five beginner golf lessons for ages 8–18 to be held on Tuesdays in April. All lessons will be held at the Pine Lake Golf Club on 6601 S. 84th Street, Lincoln. There is no fee to participate. Must be available to attend all five lessons. There are limited spots, so register quickly by emailing Kristin Geisert at kristin.geisert@unl.edu. Please provide name, age, birthdate and T?shirt size.
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This event originated in Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County.