YQCA In Person Training
With Lauren
6:00 pm –
7:30 pm
Cass County Extension Office
To register for in person YQCA training, you will first need to enroll or reenroll in 4HOnline 2.0. Once your enrollment is approved, log into your account, click the “events” tab on the left side of the screen, then click “Register for an …
Douglas-Sarpy & Cass County
Poultry Judging Team Informational Meeting
7:30 pm –
8:30 pm
Cass County Extension Office Room: Meeting Room
An informational meeting is scheduled for all Douglas-Sarpy & Cass County Poultry Judging Team Members. Preregistration is requested.
Poultry Judging Team
Cass & Douglas-Sarpy County
7:30 pm
Cass County Extension Office Room: Meeting Room
All 4-H youth in Cass & Douglas-Sarpy Counties who are interested are encouraged to attend this very informative meeting. Please register for the Poultry Judging Team Informational Meeting here: https://go.unl.edu/poultryjudgingmeeting