Employer in Residence: Federal Bureau of Investigation
10:00 am –
2:00 pm
College of Business - Howard L. Hawks Hall
730 N. 14th St.
Lincoln NE 68588
Lincoln NE 68588
Information Booth | 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. | South Lobby
The Employer in Residence program enables business students to interact with employers through booths, presentations, résumé reviews and more. Students can learn about industries, internships, and full-time positions. A different employer is featured each day throughout the school year.
Employer Information:
Our mission is to help protect you, your children, your communities, and your businesses from the most dangerous threats facing our nation—from international and domestic terrorists to spies on U.S. soil…from cyber villains to corrupt government officials…from mobsters to violent street gangs…from child predators to serial killers. Along the way, we help defend and uphold our nation’s economy, physical and electronic infrastructure, and democracy. Learn more about how we have evolved into a more proactive, threat-driven security agency in recent years.
The Employer in Residence program enables business students to interact with employers through booths, presentations, résumé reviews and more. Students can learn about industries, internships, and full-time positions. A different employer is featured each day throughout the school year.
Employer Information:
Our mission is to help protect you, your children, your communities, and your businesses from the most dangerous threats facing our nation—from international and domestic terrorists to spies on U.S. soil…from cyber villains to corrupt government officials…from mobsters to violent street gangs…from child predators to serial killers. Along the way, we help defend and uphold our nation’s economy, physical and electronic infrastructure, and democracy. Learn more about how we have evolved into a more proactive, threat-driven security agency in recent years.
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This event originated in Business Career Center.