Power Lunch: Leading Positively Through Stress: The Chemistry of Resonant Leadership
11:30 am –
1:00 pm
College of Business - Howard L. Hawks Hall
Room: 202
730 N. 14th St.
Lincoln NE 68588
Lincoln NE 68588
Tyler Punteney, (402) 472-4357,
Our lives are filled with stressful events. Most of them are small but annoying hassles, not major events. When the human body reacts to a stressful event, we stimulate a hormonal system called the sympathetic nervous system, which is our body’s way of preparing to defend itself. The dilemma is that in today’s world, we are bombarded with more stressors than occurred thousands of years ago. And yet, our bodies react the same way to the possibility that someone will not like us at work as if a lion was approaching our village. Dr. Kalu Osiri, director of international business program and associate professor of practice, will discuss how to effectively use positive emotion attractors in leadership and how to apply the concepts of intentional change theory.
$49, lunch and parking validation (14th and Avery Garage) included
$49, lunch and parking validation (14th and Avery Garage) included