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Information Session

Employer in Residence | Gallup

In-Person Informational Booth | HLH South Lobby

11:00 am – 1:00 pm
College of Business - Howard L. Hawks Hall
HLH 141
Lincoln NE 68588-0405
Business Career Center, (402) 472-7272,
Employer Information: At Gallup, we believe it takes the unique talents and passions of each team member to solve the problems facing world leaders and organizations today. Our strengths-based culture encourages us to focus on what we do best, creating an environment where we can maximize our talents and achieve our goals. Empowered by world-class managers who truly care about our growth and development, we’re able to leverage our strengths to create a positive impact on the world.

Gallup identified they are interested in the following majors: Accounting/Master of Professional Accountancy, Business Administration, Economics, Finance/Master of Finance, International Business, Management, Marketing, Supply Chain Management, MBA, Supply Chain Management Certificate, Masters in Business Analytics/Business Analytics Certificate, Human Resource Management Certificate, Minor in Law and Business and Strategic Marketing Certificate.

The Employer in Residence program enables business students to have career conversations with employers. Students can learn about industries, internships, and full-time positions. A different employer is featured each day throughout the academic year.

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This event originated in Business Career Center.