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Econ Ed Month Art Contest - Elementary Students

8:00 am – 11:55 pm
Target Audiences:
Nebraska Council on Economic Education, (402) 472-2333,
The Task: Create an original art piece on letter-sized paper the represents the economic concept for your grade level. Submit your art by September 30th to be considered!

Divisions: There will be a K-2nd Grade Division and A 3rd-5th Grade Division.

Submission: You can either mail your submission to The Nebraska Council on Economic Education, 730 N 14th St., HLH 201G, Lincoln NE, 68588 or email your submission to

What is the prize?: The winning student in each division will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card. The teacher of the winning student will also receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card. The winning student will also win a pizza party for their room Hosted by the Nebraska Council.
Winners will be announced during #EconEdMonth in October! Winning Art, as well as honorable mentions, will be featured on Social Media.

• Must be original artwork by the student. Can be digital art or handmade.
• Must Include the complete name of the economic concept in large letters near the top of the paper.
• Only one entry per student.
• Online submissions need to be in JPG or PNG format and have the school, teacher, and student names in the file name.
• Handmade submissions should have school, teacher, and student names on a 3x5 notecard included with the submission.
• Images should avoid using words to describe the concept and let the pictures tell the story.
• Using a document scanning app such as microsoft lens which is a no cost scanning app are highly suggested for online submissions.

Questions? Contact Matt Pierson (

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This event originated in Nebraska Council on Economic Education.