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Information Session

Employer in Residence - Automated Systems Inc.

In-Person Information Booth | HLH South Lobby

11:00 am – 1:00 pm
College of Business | Hawks Hall Room: South Lobby
730 N 14
Lincoln NE 68521
Target Audiences:
Business Career Center , (402) 472-7272,
Employer Information: For over 40 years, Automated Systems, Inc. has been providing core data processing and teller management solutions to community banks. We look at our relationships with our clients as our most valued asset, partnering with them to not only provide user-friendly functionality, but also the type of customer-focused products that today’s tech-savvy consumer’s demand. Our solutions are based on trusted relationships with our user base, a sound understanding of the requirements facing the community banking industry and are backed by a superior level of service and support. The staff of Automated Systems, Inc. is focused on working with customers as their technology partner to deliver progressive system solutions that are consistent with their data processing and customer service requirements.

Automated Systems Inc. identified they are interested in the following majors: Accounting, Finance

The Employer in Residence program enables business students to have career conversations with employers. Students can learn about industries, internships, and full-time positions. A different employer is featured each day throughout the academic year.

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This event originated in Business Career Center.