Career Fair
University Career + Internship Fairs - Day 3
12:00 pm –
4:00 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: Centennial
Target Audiences:
1400 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: NU
Career Services, (402) 472-3145,
Prepare, explore, and connect with employers at the Day 3 Career + Internship Fair. This day focuses on opportunities in Computing, Software, and Data Analytics; Economics, Banking & Finance; Government, Policy, Public Administration & Law; and Community Support & Human Services. Open to all undergraduate students, this event is a great way to discover internships and full-time roles.
Participation counts towards the Career Scholarship Challenge for a chance to win prizes and scholarships.
Wednesday, September 18 12-4 p.m., Nebraska Union, Centennial Room
Visit for more information.
Participation counts towards the Career Scholarship Challenge for a chance to win prizes and scholarships.
Wednesday, September 18 12-4 p.m., Nebraska Union, Centennial Room
Visit for more information.