Hong Kong Travel Award Travel Dates
All Day
Teachers College Hall
Room: 114
1400 Vine St
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: TEAC
Ken Kiewra, (402) 472-3233,
Overview: Funding will be awarded through a College of Education and Human Sciences (CEHS) International Seed Grant to present a research paper at the Student Research Conference at the University of Hong Kong, to experience Chinese culture, and to share the experience with the CEHS community.
Who is Eligible: CEHS graduate students who are first authors on a research proposal.
Award: Round trip airfare from Nebraska to Hong Kong, round trip transportation between airport and hotel, six nights lodging (double occupancy), and two meals per day while in Hong Kong.
Number of Awards: 4
Travel Dates: November 29-December 6, 2011
Proposal Deadline: October 14, 2011
Submission Guidelines: Proposals must describe a completed but unpublished research project and be written using APA style. The proposal should contain the following sections:
Title page that includes all authors’ names, affiliations, and email addresses.
Abstract of no more than 125 words.
A narrative describing the research containing no more than 2000 words (excluding references, tables, figures, and graphs). The narrative should include an introduction (introduce problem, literature review, and purpose and rationale), method section (participants, materials, and procedure), results, and discussion.
In addition, submissions should include a brief vita (2-3 pages), a copy of UNL transcript, telephone and email contact information for three references, and a copy of current passport.
Submit the proposal (3 copies), vita, transcript, reference information, and passport evidence to Professor Kenneth Kiewra, Department of Educational Psychology, 114 Teachers College Hall, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0345 by 5:00 p.m., October 14th.
Selection Process: Dr. Kiewra and a selection committee will make selections based on proposal quality and on the candidate’s ability to serve as an ambassador for our College. This judgment is based on contacts with references and on candidate interviews to be arranged.
Notification: Applicants will be notified of their selection by October 24, 2011.
Responsibilities: Present paper at CEHS Student Research Conference in November and at Student Research Conference in Hong Kong December 2 and 3. Immerse self in Hong Kong culture along with other CEHS students and Chinese hosts. Post Blog, photos, and videos daily on CEHS website while in Hong Kong. Make presentation at College meeting following trip.
Who is Eligible: CEHS graduate students who are first authors on a research proposal.
Award: Round trip airfare from Nebraska to Hong Kong, round trip transportation between airport and hotel, six nights lodging (double occupancy), and two meals per day while in Hong Kong.
Number of Awards: 4
Travel Dates: November 29-December 6, 2011
Proposal Deadline: October 14, 2011
Submission Guidelines: Proposals must describe a completed but unpublished research project and be written using APA style. The proposal should contain the following sections:
Title page that includes all authors’ names, affiliations, and email addresses.
Abstract of no more than 125 words.
A narrative describing the research containing no more than 2000 words (excluding references, tables, figures, and graphs). The narrative should include an introduction (introduce problem, literature review, and purpose and rationale), method section (participants, materials, and procedure), results, and discussion.
In addition, submissions should include a brief vita (2-3 pages), a copy of UNL transcript, telephone and email contact information for three references, and a copy of current passport.
Submit the proposal (3 copies), vita, transcript, reference information, and passport evidence to Professor Kenneth Kiewra, Department of Educational Psychology, 114 Teachers College Hall, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0345 by 5:00 p.m., October 14th.
Selection Process: Dr. Kiewra and a selection committee will make selections based on proposal quality and on the candidate’s ability to serve as an ambassador for our College. This judgment is based on contacts with references and on candidate interviews to be arranged.
Notification: Applicants will be notified of their selection by October 24, 2011.
Responsibilities: Present paper at CEHS Student Research Conference in November and at Student Research Conference in Hong Kong December 2 and 3. Immerse self in Hong Kong culture along with other CEHS students and Chinese hosts. Post Blog, photos, and videos daily on CEHS website while in Hong Kong. Make presentation at College meeting following trip.