Maggy Rozycki Hiltner: Vantage Point
Public Lecture, 2/13/2020, 2:00 p.m. in 216 Home Ec. Bldg.
8:30 am –
4:00 pm
Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery
Maggy Rozycki Hiltner is a full-time studio artist and activist living in Red Lodge, Montana. She comes from a family of makers: her mother and grandmothers needlepointed pillows, made quilts and stitched or knitted their clothes and toys; her father …
This event originated in TMFD.
Suitcase to Briefcase
CEHS International Education Week
3:00 pm –
4:30 pm
Henzlik Hall
Room: Hub
Learn how to highlight the skills you gained from an international experience and incorporate them into your resumés, cover letters, and interviews. A representative from the Career Center will be here to help you communicate your new perspectives …