Lecture from a Holocaust Historian Anna Hájková
12:30 pm –
2:00 pm
Willa Cather Dining Complex
Room: Red Cloud A
530 N 17th St
Lincoln NE 68588-1600
Lincoln NE 68588-1600
Virtual Location:
Webinar ID: 943 4909 5482
Additional Info: https://unl.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_osW_FoEuRjGMv0YsBn8tMA
Amy Peterson, apeterson71@unl.edu
Anna Hájková is a Czech-British historian who is currently a faculty member at the University of Warwick.
She specializes in the study of everyday life during the Holocaust and sexuality and the Holocaust. According to Hájková, “My approach to queer Holocaust history shows a more complex, more human, and more real society beyond monsters and saints.”
She specializes in the study of everyday life during the Holocaust and sexuality and the Holocaust. According to Hájková, “My approach to queer Holocaust history shows a more complex, more human, and more real society beyond monsters and saints.”