ABC Q&A Session
Ag Budget Calculator Training
11:00 am
Online (via Zoom)
Target Audiences:
We’re here to answer your questions about making the best use of the ABC program. Hop on Zoom and let us assist you! We appreciate hearing your questions and your feedback on ABC. Our goal is to make the ABC program user friendly and a useful …
This event originated in Center for Agricultural Profitability.
Estate Planning: A Look at Healthcare
Center for Ag Profitability Webinar
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
Online (via Zoom)
With: Katie Samples Dean, Attorney, Samples Dean Law; and Jessica Groskopf, Agricultural Economist, UNL
This event originated in Center for Agricultural Profitability.
Breaking Down Anxiety: Tools to Help You Live a Less Anxious Life
Women in Agriculture Workshop with Ashley Machado
1:00 pm –
3:00 pm
Online (via Zoom)
A two-part virtual workshop hosted by Nebraska Extension’s Women in Agriculture program in September will focus on managing and working through anxiety.
This event originated in Center for Agricultural Profitability.
A Win-Win for Insects
6:30 pm –
8:30 pm
Nebraska Extension in Douglas-Sarpy Counties Room: A, B, & C
A Win-Win for Insects: Nature-Based Climate Solutions Address both Climate Change and Biodiversity Concerns with Scott Hoffman Black - executive director of the Xerces Society.
This event originated in Nebraska Extension - Douglas-Sarpy Counties.