All events are in Central time unless specified.

Friday, October 11


Entomology seminar: Travis ‘TJ’ Prochaska, Nebraska Extension

11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Location: Entomology Hall Room: 202
Virtual Location: Entomology Seminar
Target Audiences:
Travis “TJ” Prochaska is an alumnae from the UNL Entomology Department and works as the Water and Cropping Systems Extension Educator for Colfax, Butler and Polk Counties in Nebraska. The title of his seminar is “Insect and Insecticide …
This event originated in Entomology Department.

Filley-Garey Lecture: Julian Alston, University of California, Davis

‘Research-Driven Productivity Growth Redux: Are Ideas Really Getting Harder to Find?’

3:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Location: Nebraska East Union Room: Great Plains
Recent studies using semi-endogenous growth models claim that the slowdown in U.S. productivity growth reflects a widespread and systematic decline in productivity of researchers — in other words, ideas are getting harder to find. In this article, …
This event originated in Agricultural Economics.