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Sunday with a Scientist

2:00 pm
Morrill Hall’s Virtual Sunday with a Scientist program will feature a 2 p.m. May 23 exploration of computer science and engineering led by Nebraska’s Bonita Sharif, and her student researchers, Cole Peterson and Niloofar Mansoor. In this game-driven event offered via Zoom, participants will explore computer science and learn about how data is transmitted and checked for errors.

Registration, which is required in advance, is available here:

It will also be available via Morrill Hall’s Facebook page:

Sunday with a Scientist is a monthly event that highlights the work of scientists, while educating children, families and the university community on a variety of topics related to science and natural history. Presenters share scientific information in a fun, informal way through demonstrations, activities or by conducting science on site. During summer 2021, events will be hosted virtually over Zoom and Facebook Live.

Learn more about Sunday with a Scientist, including upcoming topics:

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