All events are in Central time unless specified.

Featured Events

Thursday, February 15


Write a successful NIH Data Management & Sharing Plan (DMSP)

10:00 am
Virtual Location: Online via zoom
Target Audiences:
Learn about and see examples of the elements of the NIH DMSP, along with strategies for ease of preparation.
This event originated in Research Data.

Data Management for (Digital) Humanities

12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Virtual Location: Online via zoom
Target Audiences:
Have you ever lost a project file? Been unable to find the most recent version of a document? Suffered hard drive failure or had your laptop stolen? Been unable to open old files? Forgotten which file was which? Even small research projects can …
This event originated in Research Data.
Information Session

CEHS Husker Abroad 101

Take the first steps towards starting your global experience!

4:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Location: Barkley Memorial Center Room: BKC 302 Target Audiences:
Join Global Experiences for a 30-minute interactive workshop to help you start planning your global experience. During the workshop, we’ll discuss global experience types, funding, the timeline for planning your experience, and thinking through …
This event originated in CEHS.