Data Management for (Digital) Humanities
12:30 pm –
1:30 pm
Virtual Location:
Online via zoom
Target Audiences:
Scout Calvert,
Have you ever lost a project file? Been unable to find the most recent version of a document? Suffered hard drive failure or had your laptop stolen? Been unable to open old files? Forgotten which file was which? Even small research projects can generate enough data and digital material to become confusing and vulnerable to loss. Start your next project (or class) with a plan to keep your project organized and your data safe, from inception until you are ready to share, revisit, or sunset the project whether next month or years from now. This workshop for humanists will provide strategies and insights for managing your digital materials for effective collaboration, to avoid loss, or to preserve it for reuse or sharing in the future. Registrants will receive a Zoom link in the confirmation email. Attendees must be authenticated through UNL Zoom to join the meeting.
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This event originated in Research Data.