All events are in Central time unless specified.
Social Event

School of Natural Resources - First Friday — Mug Swap Edition

9:00 am – 10:30 am
Hardin Hall Room: First Floor South Lobby
3310 Holdrege St
Lincoln NE 68583
Additional Info: HARH
Target Audiences:
Brook Mott,
Join us for First Friday with a new twist - Mug Swap Edition with raffle!
Bring a mug to donate or swap.

Left over mugs will be kept and used at future First Friday events to reduce throw away cups.

We will also be continuing the raffle - if you bring your own mug/cup to use OR bring a mug to swap. There will be two raffles - one prize for staff/faculty and the other for students.

Download this event to my calendar

This event originated in School of Natural Resources.