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Nebraska DEI Impact Award Ceremony

6:00 pm
Willa Cather Dining Complex
530 N 17th St
Lincoln NE 68588-1600
Office of Diversity and Inclusions,
Presented by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, the Nebraska Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Impact Awards recognize individuals and groups who actively advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in transformative and sustainable ways, at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

All members of the community are invited to attend the 2nd annual Nebraska Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Impact Awards ceremony (in-person Willa Cather Complex - Red Cloud A and livestreamed) scheduled for Wednesday, April 13 at 6:00 PM.

The recipients of this year’s awards in the following categories will be honored:

Diversity Leadership Faculty Award - Dr. Cynthia Willis-Esqueda
Diversity Leadership Staff Award - Dr. Colette Yellow Robe
Promising Leader Award - Undergraduate Student - Emily Cheramie
Promising Leader Award - Graduate/Professional Student - Kaitlin Tademy
Collective Impact Award - Nebraska Extension’s Reaching One, Reaching All

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