Lecture: “Stories are Medicine: Indigenous Sovereignty, Connection, & Healing”
By Dr. Melissa Tehee
5:30 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: Swanson Auditorium
1400 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: NU
Deb McWilliams, dmcwilliams@unl.edu
Dr. Melissa Tehee is an associate professor at Utah State University and director of the American Indian Support Project. In addition to this lecture, she is teaching one section of ETHN 890: Critical Issues in U.S. and Global Society: Race, Social Justice, and Inequality August 29 to September 2.
Livestream will be available via Zoom—register at the link below.
Livestream will be available via Zoom—register at the link below.
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This event originated in English.