Special Event
Great Backyard Bird Count
9:30 am –
10:30 am
Hardin Hall
Room: Bird feeders north of the building
Target Audiences:
3310 Holdrege St
Lincoln NE 68583
Lincoln NE 68583
Additional Info: HARH
Megan Baldissara, mbaldissara2@huskers.unl.edu
Join fellow graduate students for the Great Backyard Bird Count and connect with nature! We’ll meet at 9:30 am by the Hardin Hardin Hall bird feeders (north of Hardin Hall / south of the Hardin Prairie) to record and count birds together.
Don’t miss out! We look forward to see you there!
Sponsored by the SNR Graduate Student Association. Follow them at their Instagram account @UNL_SNR_GSA
Don’t miss out! We look forward to see you there!
Sponsored by the SNR Graduate Student Association. Follow them at their Instagram account @UNL_SNR_GSA
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This event originated in School of Natural Resources.