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Careers in Manufacturing Presentation & Panel Discussion

Hosted by Women in Manufacturing Nebraska

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Kiewit Hall Room: A211
1700 Vine St
Lincoln NE 68588
Additional Info: KH
Target Audiences:
Paula Caldwell,
The manufacturing industry has a wealth of career opportunities for students, including production, engineering, logistics, research & development, quality control, and more! To learn more about careers within manufacturing, join us in Kiewit Hall, room A211 for a presentation and panel hosted by Women in Manufacturing Nebraska. This event is open to all students interested in learning about careers in manufacturing, so join us for one or more of the following as your schedule allows.

7 - 8 p.m. - Women in Manufacturing (WiM) Presentation & Panel (Kiewit Hall A211)
Learn more about Women in Manufacturing and the diversity of careers within the manufacturing industry. Our panelists will share their experiences and you will have time to ask any questions you have about a career in manufacturing.

8 - 8:30 p.m. - Open Networking (Kiewit Hall A211)
Connect with panelists, ask follow-up questions, and build your network.

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