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Informal Conversation with Visiting Scholar Dr. Rhi Johnson

Starts at 12:00 pm
Andrews Hall Room: ANDR 229, Bailey Library
625 N 14th St
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: ANDR
Target Audiences:
Visiting scholar Dr. Rhi Johnson (assistant professor of Spanish and Portuguese, IU Bloomington) will meet for informal conversation about their work with graduate students and faculty members in literature, poetry, history, Spanish, women’s and gender studies, and translation studies on Tuesday, October 29 at 12:00pm in the Bailey Library on the second floor of Andrews Hall. Everyone is very welcome to bring their own lunch.

Dr. Johnson, the translator and co-editor of Tears and Flowers: A Poet of Migration in Old Key West (UP of Florida, forthcoming on Oct. 29th) is visiting UNL to serve as one of the panelists on “Politics, Romance, and a Lost Manuscript: Recovering the Secret History of Key West,” a public humanities event at the Sheldon that your department (thank you!) is co-sponsoring on October 30.

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