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Reading - Fiction/poetry

Canceled: Reading by poet/novelist Aria Aber

Starts at 5:30 pm
Andrews Hall Room: Bailey Library, Room 229
625 N 14th St
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: ANDR
Target Audiences:
Timothy Schaffert
Aria Aber grew up in Germany, where she was born to Afghan refugees. Her poetry collection “Hard Damage” won the 2019 Prairie Schooner Book Prize in Poetry and a 2020 Whiting Award. Her poems have appeared in The New Yorker, New Republic, The Yale Review and elsewhere. Her fiction can be found in Granta. A graduate of the NYU MFA in Creative Writing program, where she was a Writers in Public Schools fellow, she holds awards and fellowships from Kundiman, the Wisconsin Institute of Creative Writing and the Wallace Stegner Fellowship at Stanford University. Her first novel, “Good Girl,” was just released by Hogarth (U.S.) and Bloomsbury (U.K.), and will be translated into German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish and Japanese.

She is a contributing editor at The Yale Review and an assistant professor of creative writing at the University of Vermont.

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