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UNL Ag VIP Day 2009 - ARDC near Mead, NE

For Vocational Agriculture Teachers

10:00 am – 5:30 pm
Agricultural Research & Development Center, near Mead
Loren Giesler, (402) 472-2559,
Southeast Research & Extension Center is hosting the third in a series of VIP Days for vocational agriculture teachers. “VIP Day 2009” will be held on July 21 and we’re planning a day that offers a great opportunity to connect agricultural researchers, extension educators and assistants with vocational agriculture teachers from high schools around the Southeast and Northeast Districts. <p>

This year’s VIP Day will take place at the University’s Agricultural Research & Development Center (ARDC) near Mead, Nebraska on Tuesday, July 21, 2009 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Please make plans to attend, and encourage agricultural teachers from high schools in your county to attend with you. The list of teachers who have received mailed invitations is attached, for your information. If you know of additional teachers please do feel free to invite them as well. A sample invitation letter is attached.<p>

The agenda (attached) features Soybean Cyst Nematode Management and UNL Extension Crop Management Diagnostic Clinic. All activities and materials for the day are free, and lunch will be provided. <p>

To register to attend, please send an email to or call 402-472-9581 by Tuesday, July 14th.<p>

We have an excellent program planned with a lot of hands-on experiences. You will also have the opportunity to network with other agricultural professionals. <p>

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