Water Topics for Nebraska Teachers
8:30 am –
3:30 pm
Kimmel Education and Research Center Room: Conference Room
5985 G Road
Nebraska City NE 68410
Nebraska City NE 68410
The Kregel Windmill Factory Museum, in conjunction with the Kimmel Foundation, American Groundwater Trust, Groundwater Foundation, and Water for Food Institute is hosting a teacher’s workshop on the topics of Nebraska groundwater, natural resources, and conservation. This workshop will qualify for professional development credit. The Lied Lodge & Conference Center is providing discounted accommodations for the event at $103 per night. Use the discount code”water topics” when you book your room to receive the discounted rate.
Cost: FREE! Includes lunches, snacks and a (big) bunch of handouts
Grades: Middle & High School and also educators involved in public outreach
Eligibility: Any teacher/educator in traditional or non-traditional education in Nebraska & Western Iowa
For more information got to:
Register On-line ( or call the American Ground Water Trust – 800-423-7748
and /or
For more information contact David Flatt, Executive Director, Kregel Windmill Factory Museum
402-873-1078 or email david@kregel
Cost: FREE! Includes lunches, snacks and a (big) bunch of handouts
Grades: Middle & High School and also educators involved in public outreach
Eligibility: Any teacher/educator in traditional or non-traditional education in Nebraska & Western Iowa
For more information got to:
Register On-line ( or call the American Ground Water Trust – 800-423-7748
and /or
For more information contact David Flatt, Executive Director, Kregel Windmill Factory Museum
402-873-1078 or email david@kregel
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This event originated in Kimmel Education and Research Center.