2017 Online Horticulture Contest
8:00 am –
8:00 am
Online -
Elizabeth Killinger, (308) 385-5088,
The 2017 Nebraska 4-H Online Horticulture Judging contest is just around the corner. This year the contest will be available from June 9 at 8am until June 19 at 8:00am. It is composed of three parts; general knowledge questions, plant part and seed identification, as well as a judging portion. It is open to all 4-H youth, as well as adults, and even Extension individuals. No password needed, the link listed below will take you directly to the contest.
Please have the youth fill in all of their information completely. The online contest should only be taken once by each participant, if it is taken multiple times the first score entered will be the one used. No study materials are to be used while taking the test. The contest will allow an opportunity for the participant to review the answers prior to submitting. Once submitted, the participants will see their score, but they will not be able to see which questions they missed. After the contest has ended, the participants can request to see their scores and their answers.
Study Materials for the Online Horticulture Judging Contest and the State 4-H Horticulture Judging Contest held during State Fair are the same and they can be found at:
Questions about the contest may be directed toward Elizabeth Killinger.
Please have the youth fill in all of their information completely. The online contest should only be taken once by each participant, if it is taken multiple times the first score entered will be the one used. No study materials are to be used while taking the test. The contest will allow an opportunity for the participant to review the answers prior to submitting. Once submitted, the participants will see their score, but they will not be able to see which questions they missed. After the contest has ended, the participants can request to see their scores and their answers.
Study Materials for the Online Horticulture Judging Contest and the State 4-H Horticulture Judging Contest held during State Fair are the same and they can be found at:
Questions about the contest may be directed toward Elizabeth Killinger.
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This event originated in 4-H Youth Development Calendar.