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Nebraska 4-H Shooting Sports Leader Certification

All Day
Nebraska Game & Parks Education Center
In order to run a club, county or multi-county 4-H shootings sports program, instructors must be certified by Nebraska 4-H. Volunteers must attend a leader certification training that is designed to cover the needed knowledge and guidelines to become a certified 4-H club instructor. 4-H Instructor Certification Workshops are conducted several times each year by a team of state 4-H instructors, usually in the spring and fall.

The training is designed for adults 21 years of age and older (adult leader) and individuals, ages 14 to 20 (apprentice leader), that lead or would like to lead training in shooting sports projects. Classes will be offered in the disciplines of archery, rifle, pistol, shotgun, muzzleloading, and hunting skills. These workshops meet the 4-H project leaders’ requirements for certification and recertification.

The workshops will be composed of 15-18 hours of instruction. Ten to 12 hours of that time will be for a specific discipline (projects). Training will include covering the curriculum and lesson plans from the National 4-H Shootings Sports program, opportunities to teach your peer group, and range time. The philosophy and principles of positive youth development is a critical part of the training and makes of the remaining 3-4 hours of instruction during a workshop. Individuals must attend both days of the workshop to earn their certification in the discipline of their choice.

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This event originated in 4-H Youth Development Calendar.