State Achievement Applications Deadline
All Day
The Nebraska 4-H Achievement Application is a standard application form used for the selection of county and state award winners, including Nebraska delegates to the National 4-H Congress and National 4-H Conference, as well as Nebraska 4-H …
This event originated in 4-H Youth Development Calendar.
Farm & Ranch Lease Considerations for 2023
Land Management Workshop
9:00 am –
12:00 pm
Adams County Extension
Nebraska Extension and the Center for Agricultural Profitability at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will host a series of in-person workshops covering agricultural land management and leasing considerations for 2023. They will be held at locations …
This event originated in Center for Agricultural Profitability.
Preparing for Loan Renewal
Center for Ag Profitability Webinar
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
Online (via Zoom)
With: Jessica Groskopf, Agricultural Economist, Nebraska Extension
This event originated in Center for Agricultural Profitability.