All events are in Central time unless specified.

Total Lunar Eclipse

Starts at 11:50 pm
Stadium Drive Parking Garage
625 Stadium Dr
Lincoln NE 68501
Directions: The event may be canceled due to clouds and weather. The decision to cancel will be posted on the calendar by 3 pm on Thursdays. Please check back here on our Instagram for weather specific details.
Additional Info: SDPG
Target Audiences:
Evan Rich, (402) 472-8134,
We will be opening up the Student Observatory for a special event for the Total Lunar Eclipse.

The observatory will open up at 11:50 pm on Thursday, March 13th
The Partial Eclipse begins at 12:10 AM on Friday, March 14th - Beginning of recommended viewing time
The Total Eclipse Beings at 1:26 AM on Friday, March 14th

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This event originated in Observatory.