Hixson-Lied Visiting Artist: Priya Kambli
5:30 pm
Richards Hall
Room: 15
Priya Kambli’s work is rooted in her fascination in the intersection between her parents’ lives in India and her own in the U.S. For Kambli, photography is a means to bridge the gap between two cultures, come to terms with the effects of …
This event originated in Hixson Lied Visiting Artists & Scholars.
Alice vs. Wonderland
By Brendan Shea
7:30 pm
Temple Building
Room: Lab Theatre
Directed by Senior Jorden Charley-Whatley this show features Alice who falls into Wonderland which is mad as ever. But this time, it has entered the 21st Century and the Internet Era.
Alice vs. Wonderland
By Brendan Shea
7:30 pm
Temple Building
Room: Lab Theatre, third floor
Directed by senior Jorden Charley-Whatley, this show features Alice who falls into Wonderland which is as mad as ever. But this time, it has entered the 21st Century and the Internet Era.
This event originated in Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film.