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Online 4-H Member & Volunteer Enrollment Deadline, May 1

8:00 am – 5:00 pm
4-H Volunteers On-line Registration & Screening
All 4-H volunteers need to register online: (same site as online 4-H enrollment). Register as new OR returning leader with or without existing 4-H family. These volunteers are entered for years of service awards. Deadline: May 1.
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services established the Youth Protection 4-H Screening Form. 4-H leaders and volunteers working with children (4-H and Clover Kids) are required to complete the screening form and are then covered by $1 million of liability through the University of Nebraska. State 4-H
introduced a new form that should be printed directly online. Then bring your form to the Extension Office to get our signature. EVERY ADULT VOLUNTEER NEEDS TO COMPLETE THE SCREENING FORM.

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