Husker Trade Talk: Global Careers with USDA FAS
Presented jointly by the CASNR Global Learning Hub & the Yeutter Institute for International Trade and Finance
8:00 am –
9:00 am
Nebraska East Union
Room: Arbor Suite
Interested in global food security, promoting U.S. agriculture exports, or helping countries build their capacity to trade? The U.S. Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) does all of this and more. Learn about the variety of jobs & internships in the …
Agriculture Without Borders: A Discussion with USDA FAS’ Jim Suits
An event primarily for faculty and staff, but all are welcome!
2:00 pm –
3:00 pm
Online (Zoom)
USDA Foreign Agricultural Service representative Jim Suits will engage faculty, staff, and the general campus community about the work of the agency, opportunities faculty and staff have to work with FAS in hosting scholars or other collaborations, …