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Information Session

Peace Corps Prep Booth

1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Nebraska Union Room: Booth
1400 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: NU
Target Audiences:
Rebecca Baskerville, (402) 472-6990,
The Peace Corps, a U.S. federal agency, brings together skilled, committed Volunteers with welcoming host communities for 27-month service opportunities in more than 60 countries. Volunteers live and work side by side with community members on locally prioritized projects, building relationships, exchanging cultures and knowledge, and helping transform lives for generations. The Peace Corps provides each Volunteer with transportation, housing, and a living stipend, paid vacation days, medical and dental care, funds to help transition back home, student loan benefits, and career and graduate school benefits. Volunteers work in one of six sectors including Agriculture, Community Economic Development, Education, Environment, Youth in Development, and Health. Learn more about Peace Corps service:

Nebraska undergraduates can also earn a certificate from the Peace Corps through the Peace Corps Prep program. Integrating UNL coursework, hands-on experience, and professional development, the PC Prep program prepares undergraduates for international development fieldwork and potential Peace Corps service. Special features of the PC Prep program at UNL include: consideration for a study abroad scholarship, an Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) assessment upon acceptance and completion, social and networking events, announcements about related events and opportunities, and mentorship from Returned Peace Corps Volunteers in the community. Learn more about PC Prep:

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