NHS Seminar Series
Evaluating Bioavailability and bioactivity of dietary ?-glutamyl peptides”.
1:00 pm –
1:50 pm
Leverton Hall
Room: 304
1700 N 35th St
Lincoln NE 68503
Lincoln NE 68503
Additional Info: LEV
Sathish Kumar Natarajan, snatarajan2@unl.edu
Title: Evaluating Bioavailability and bioactivity of dietary ?-glutamyl peptides
Presenter: Bikram Upadhyaya , Graduate student, Dr. Moreau lab in the Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences, UNL
Discussant: Han Yu, Graduate Student in the Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences, UNL
Venue: Leverton 304
Time 1:00 PM on October 26, 2021
To Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 939 4315 9587
Passcode: 626002
One tap mobile
+12532158782, 93943159587# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799, 93943159587# US (Houston)
Presenter: Bikram Upadhyaya , Graduate student, Dr. Moreau lab in the Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences, UNL
Discussant: Han Yu, Graduate Student in the Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences, UNL
Venue: Leverton 304
Time 1:00 PM on October 26, 2021
To Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 939 4315 9587
Passcode: 626002
One tap mobile
+12532158782, 93943159587# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799, 93943159587# US (Houston)
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This event originated in CEHS.