How to learn about trade and get paid for it
Presented by the Yeutter Institute for International Trade & Finance
11:30 am –
12:30 pm
Howard L. Hawks Hall Room: 111
Jacy Thoman ,
Learn about what it’s like to have learning be your specialty - transforming complex issues into digestible and engaging writing. Ask Edward Alden all of your latest questions about U.S. trade and foreign policy. Alden is a columnist at Foreign Policy magazine, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations fellow, and a visiting professor at Western Washington University. Lunch provided, but space is limited to first 20 registrants.
March 4, 2022 | HLH 111 (Hawks Hall, City Campus, Lincoln, NE)
March 4, 2022 | HLH 111 (Hawks Hall, City Campus, Lincoln, NE)
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This event originated in Global IANR.