Virtual Exchange & the Sustainable Development Goals
9:00 am –
10:00 am
Online - Zoom
As part of the larger #GLAG year long programming (Global Learning in Agriculture Community), join Nancy Ruther and universities/faculty from across the U.S. and world in a workshop exploring how you can utilize virtual exchange and CLICK ( …
This event originated in Global IANR.
Club Fair at City Campus
hosted by Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement
11:00 am –
1:00 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: Memorial Plaza
In a single location, explore more than 120 recognized student organizations (RSOs) to join for social, professional and leadership interests. RSO members and officers will be on hand to provide details about their organization and answer questions …
This event originated in Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement.
Information Session
Australia Faculty-Led Education Abroad Program Info Session
5:00 pm –
6:00 pm
Hardin Hall
Room: 901
Join program leaders Mark Burbach and Jessica Corman for an information session about the upcoming Australia program abroad this winter break!
This event originated in Global IANR.