All events are in Central time unless specified.

Thursday, January 30

Information Session

Study Abroad Q&As with Coffee and Cookies (East Campus)

9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Location: Gwendolyn A. Newkirk Human Sciences Building Room: In front of GNHS 11 Target Audiences:
Stop by and grab some warm coffee and cookies. You are also more than welcome to ask Sook Young, UNL Global Experiences Coordinator, about ANY study abroad program-related questions!
This event originated in Global Experiences.
Information Session

Crash Course in Study Abroad Affordability

This is for you if you’ve always wanted to study abroad, but need some strategies on how to pay for it.

4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Location: Louise Pound Hall Room: 137 Target Audiences:
Attend this info session for a crash course in the costs associated with studying abroad, the different ways to pay for it, how to find cheap programs, and ask all your questions. No registration required, just show up.
This event originated in Global Experiences.