2022 James A. Rawley Graduate Conference in the Humanities
War and Genocide
9:45 am –
3:30 pm
Colten Skinner, cskinner5@huskers.unl.edu
Join us for this year’s Rawley Graduate Conference either in person or online as we examine the legacies and contemporary realities of imperialism, war, and genocide. On this date, we will have two panels and a student research lightning round. Our first panel will explore the history of sexual and gendered violence committed against underprivileged and war-torn communities. The second panel will delve into the current and historical impacts of refugee crises and how forced migrations are becoming an increasingly contested and visible part of our future. The student research lightning round will see graduate students from around the country present their latest research and receive feedback from a panel of professors. The lightning round will be chance to see the future research of our next generation of scholars.
You can learn more about our conference’s panels and workshops on our website! https://history.unl.edu/2022-Rawley
Register via the link below
You can learn more about our conference’s panels and workshops on our website! https://history.unl.edu/2022-Rawley
Register via the link below