Nebraska 4-H State Achievement Application Deadline
All Day
Maria Walker, (402) 624-8000,
The Nebraska 4-H Achievement Application is a standard application form used for the selection of county and state award winners, including Nebraska delegates to National 4-H Congress and National 4-H Conference, as well as Nebraska 4-H Foundation scholarship award recipients.
Only Senior Achievement Applications (ages 15-18) are accepted for state-level awards and recognition.
4-H members ages 15-18 as of December 31 of the current year are eligible to participate in the state-level awards application process regardless of the delivery mode in which they participated.
Only Senior Achievement Applications (ages 15-18) are accepted for state-level awards and recognition.
4-H members ages 15-18 as of December 31 of the current year are eligible to participate in the state-level awards application process regardless of the delivery mode in which they participated.
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This event originated in 4-H Youth Development Calendar.