Recognizing Manure’s Full Potential Value
A presentation at the Herd That! Conference
9:40 am –
10:40 am
One Box Convention Center and Custer County Fairgrounds
Leslie Johnson, (402) 584-3818,
In this interactive workshop, participants will reveal manure’s full potential by discovering the $$ and intrinsic value. We will “get our hands dirty” to learn proper techniques for manure sampling for nutrient analysis, understand the results of said analysis, and discover how to determine manure application rate. Building on these concepts, participants will then be able to calculate the $$ value of manure nutrients on agricultural land and have talking points for “selling” the use of manure over commercial fertilizer by highlighting manure’s ability to build soil health. No actual manure will be used, keeping the smell to a minimum and the fun and learning at a maximum.
Additional Public Info:
This presentation is part of a larger conference. For more details, visit
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This event originated in Water Issues.