UNL Beef Feedlot Roundtable Series
https://go.unl.edu/2023roundtable- Please register by Feb. 3
12:30 pm –
5:30 pm
Bayer Water Utilization Learning Center
Jessica Sperber, jsperber2@unl.edu
Cost is $30 at the door.
February 7: Bridgeport, Prairie Winds Community Center
February 8: Gothenburg, Bayer Water Utilization Learning Center
February 9: West Point, Nielsen Community Center
February 7: Bridgeport, Prairie Winds Community Center
February 8: Gothenburg, Bayer Water Utilization Learning Center
February 9: West Point, Nielsen Community Center
Additional Public Info:
$30 at the door. Please register by Feb. 3
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This event originated in Animal Science.