Agronomy & Horticulture Seminar – Liz VanWormer
One Health: Linking Human, Animal, Plant, and Ecosystem Health in Nebraska and Beyond
3:30 pm
Keim Hall
Room: 150
1825 N 38th St
Lincoln NE 68503
Lincoln NE 68503
Additional Info: KEIM
Kaye Wolfe, (402) 472-8488,
Liz VanWormer, Director, Nebraska One Health, Associate Professor, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, will talk about One Health which brings together people with diverse backgrounds, skills, and perspectives to improve the health of humans, wild and domestic animals, plants and our shared environments. From zoonotic diseases and pesticide contamination to connections between biodiversity and health, VanWormer will share updates on interdisciplinary One Health research, teaching and community engagement.
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This event originated in Agronomy and Horticulture.