All events are in Central time unless specified.

Cattle-Focused Private Pesticide Applicator Certification & BQA Training

Ainsworth & Atkinson

11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Ainsworth Conference Center
606 E 4th Street
Ainsworth, NE 69210
Target Audiences:
A combination of cattle-focused non-commercial pesticide training and Beef Quality Assurance training that will count toward BQA continuing education hours. This training is appropriate for anyone who wants to get pesticide or BQA certified, or anyone who needs to renew either certification or is just interested in learning more.
To register go to or call the Brown-Keya Paha-Rock County Extension Office at (402) 387-2213.
Registration requested by Feb. 2, but walk-ins are welcome. A head-count helps make sure there’s enough food.
More information about pesticide applicator training here:

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This event originated in UNL Beef.