Nebraska Farm Income Update and Outlook
Center for Ag Profitability Webinar
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
Online (via Zoom)
With: Brad Lubben, associate professor and extension ag policy specialist, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; and Patrick Westhoff, director and Howard Bowden Professor, Food & Agricultural Policy Research Institute, University of Missouri.
This event originated in Center for Agricultural Profitability.
Private Pesticide Training
Lincoln, NE
1:00 pm –
4:00 pm
Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms
Private applicators are farmers or producers raising an agricultural commodity on land they own or rent or an employee making pesticide applications on their employer’s farm. Cost is $50 per person.
Ongoing Events
Ag Literacy Festival
Lincoln, NE
All Day
Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds
More than 500 4th graders from Lincoln area schools attend the annual Agricultural Literacy Festival to learn about agriculture and how it impacts their daily lives.